Syritta pipiens (Linnaeus 1758) (Family Syrphidae)
Length: 7-9mm;
Wing Length: 4.25-7mm;
Proboscis Length: 3-3.5mm
Biotopes: |
Meadows |
Wet Meadows |
Food: (Larva) |
Dung |
Compost |
Food: (Adult) 90% Nectar 10% Pollen |
Several Apiaceae Nectar |
Many Asteraceae Nectar |
Several Brassicaceae Nectar |
Several Lamiaceae Nectar |
Several Rosaceae Nectar |
Epilobium angustifolium Nectar |
Epilobium hirsutum Nectar |
Bistorta officinalis Nectar |
Rumex obtusifolius Nectar |
Stellaria holostea Nectar |
Galium mollugo Nectar |
Hypericum maculatum Pollen |
Calluna vulgaris Nectar |
Salix cinerea Nectar |
Viburnum opulus Nectar |
Possible Parasitoids: |
Several Ichneumonidae Larvae |
Predators: |
Ectemnius dives |
Other Possible Predators: |
Several Crabronidae |
Nature Spot:
Thick-legged Hoverfly - Syritta pipiens
Gemeine Keulenschwebfliege
Pictures © 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 J.K. Lindsey
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Ecology of Commanster