Empis chioptera Meigen 1804 (Family Empididae)
Male |
Couple |
Length: Male 2.2-3.8mm, Female 2.6-4mm;
Wing Length: Male 2.5-3.6mm, Female 3-3.7mm
Biotopes: |
Wet Forest |
Hedge Rows |
Food: |
Insecta |
Anthriscus sylvestris Nectar |
Heracleum sphondylium Nectar |
Stellaria holostea Nectar |
Stellaria media Nectar |
Cardamine amara Nectar |
Geranium sylvaticum Nectar |
Salix aurita Nectar |
Viburnum opulus Nectar |
Pictures © 2003, 2010, 2012 J.K. Lindsey
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Ecology of Commanster