Empis ciliata Fabricius 1787 (Family Empididae)
Length: Male 9.5-12.2mm, Female 9-13mm;
Wing Length: Male 9-10.5, Female 9.3-11.5mm
Biotopes: |
Hedge Rows |
Meadows |
Wet Meadows |
Food: |
Diptera |
Several Apiaceae Nectar |
Several Brassicaceae Nectar |
Bellis perennis Nectar |
Taraxacum campylodes Nectar |
Stellaria holostea Nectar |
Bistorta officinalis Nectar |
Veronica chamaedrys Nectar |
Ranunculus acris Nectar |
Menyanthes trifoliata Nectar |
Crataegus Nectar |
Malus sylvestris Nectar |
Parasitoids: |
Zoophthora lanceolata |
Pictures © 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2010 J.K. Lindsey
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Ecology of Commanster