Bufonidae | Ranidae | Salamandridae |
Scientific, [English], [Français], [Deutsch], [Nederlands]
Scientific | English | Français | Deutsch | Nederlands |
Bufo bufo | Common Toad | Crapaud commun | Erdkröte | Gewone Pad |
Rana temporaria | Common Frog | Grenouille rousse | Grasfrosch | Bruine Kikker |
Salamandra salamandra | Fire Salamander | Salamandre tachetée | Feuer Salamander | Vuursalamander |
Triturus alpestris | Alpine Newt | Triton alpestre | Bergmolch | Alpenwatersalamander |
Triturus helveticus | Palmate Newt | Triton palmé | Fadenmolch | Vinpootsalamander |
Bibliography: Identification, Ecology
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